About Us
Heartland Family Wellness Centre is founded on humanitarian principles to serve our nation at the highest level. At our clinic we put people before profit. Our specific mission is to do everything in our power to get you healthy. No exceptions. Your health, like anything valuable, requires time, energy, and effort. You won't find anyone more willing to give such first-class effort to help you be the best you can be.

Dr. Lisa Graham, N.D.
Heartland Naturopathic Doctor
The first things one notices about Dr. Lisa Graham are her big smile and even bigger laugh. Dr. Lisa is a true believer in the power of laughter to heal and creates a positive, playful and relaxing atmosphere at Heartland Naturopathic Wellness Centre. She puts the "heart" in Heartland and as captain of this ship, she steers it and her patients on a path to wellness, with a focus on impacting not just individuals, but their families and their communities.
Dr. Lisa is full of energy and purpose, and she's got the education to back it up. Born and raised in Portage la Prairie, Man., Dr. Lisa graduated with the Governor General Award and as student body president of Arthur Meighen High School. She then completed a four-year Bachelor of Science with academic and tennis scholarships at Michigan Technological University, and received her N.D. Degree from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Phoenix, Ariz. Dr. Lisa also interned at True North Health Centre in Santa Rosa, Calif. Overall, it was 10 years of intense study.
Though offered many different opportunities abroad, Dr. Lisa chose to come back to Manitoba where she knew people she loved could benefit from all she had learned. She opened up her Heartland centre in the Canad Inns Portage la Prairie in 2009 and is a member of the Manitoba Naturopathic Association. And she still studies just as intensely! Every 3-4 weeks, you will find Dr. Lisa flying to conferences to become the best doctor possible. She studies daily and is personally being trained and mentored by Dr. Kevin Pallis, Dr. Edward Plentz and Dr. Heather Freedlund. Dr. Lisa has already touched the lives of hundreds of patients in her career, and plans to touch 1,000s of patients' lives and their families for the betterment of generations to come!
The Manitoba naturopathic doctor is daughter to Dr. Brian Graham, who is a well-loved and phenomenal chiropractor in Portage la Prairie. Her younger sister Krista is soon to graduate from massage therapy school (with magical hands) and open with their dad. Her older sister Tara is an inspirational chiropractor in Michigan. And, her mom Elaine is an incredible woman who recently retired from managing Norquay Printers and plans to teach interested “silver fox females” how to work out in a gym setting! Yes, this is a family of passionate, dedicated healers!
In fact, Dr. Lisa is one of very few doctors who can trace their roots back to five generations of natural healing on one side of the family tree and on the other side is related to Sir Fredrick Banting, M.D., who won the Nobel Prize for discovering insulin. She is so proud and thankful for her roots. But, she is most grateful for the opportunity to serve right here in Manitoba … though patients of Heartland hail from British Columbia to Ontario and down into North Dakota.

Has a heart for...Connection
Laura is one of our talented receptionists and the events coordinator on our team. She is at her best keeping everyone on track. People love to be around her because she loves people. That is why she loves working at Heartland and connecting with our patients. She has a unique ability to make everyone feel cared for and fits so well, into a non official role as Heartland Mom. It is her heart's desire to see people succeed and do well. Laura comes alive when she sees people living in their fullness and vitality. Laura is an adventurer whose life has led her on paths less travelled, but with grace Laura accepts any challenge. She feels joyful watching others enjoy life and she shows us all that even with a challenge life is worth her smile. Laura's latest project lies close to many hearts. She has founded our Heartland Wonder Woman Moms Group! This is a group of amazing women from every kind of family. Who all come with a lust for life and an interest in how best to raise their tiny leaders of the future!